Higher Education Cost Lowering; Still Higher Than Inflation |





Higher Education Cost Lowering; Still Higher Than Inflation |.

I stood hand-in-hand with my fellow students from NC State back in late 1990’s making this same case. To see the problem persists begs a serious question. What do you think about this?

Published by Dr. Michael D. Anthony

I currently serve as the Vice President of Student Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness at Prairie State College in Chicago Heights, IL. I served as an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Louisville and Loyola University in Chicago, IL. In order to expand my life's work beyond my day-to-day job, I started my own consulting work in leadership and diversity in 2008. I completed my Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Organizational Development at the University of Louisville, where I also earned my Master of Arts degree in Higher Education Administration. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management with a concentration in Marketing from North Carolina State University. A native of Charlotte, NC I am passionate about leadership development, organizational change, and the ability of effective leaders to transform their communities. During my professional career I have made it my personal goal to be a strong and vocal advocate for students, faculty, and staff, and have a life-long vision to empower others to affect positive change in their community. I live in Rochester, MN.

2 thoughts on “Higher Education Cost Lowering; Still Higher Than Inflation |

  1. It is important to note that the rapid rise in college costs parallels the rapid decline of state support of public higher ed. I would like to see an analysis of college costs that controls for this. The result is a shift from a system in which we, the public, pay the costs of higher ed because it has significant value to ensuring a vibrant democracy, to one in which the individual students bear most of the cost of the system of higher ed. Who’s interests does this shift serve?


    1. Ah yes, the fundamental question: is education a public or private good. Evidence suggest the latter, which has implications for what obligations public institutions and their graduates have to the public.


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